Easy & Delicious Strawberry and Nutella Crepes

Mar 30, 2016 | 0 comments

One of my favorite things to make is crepes.  I had originally learned in French class in High School and have played with the recipe adding in my own favorites.  They’re easy and delicious!

I used the basic recipe from Mark Bittman’s “How to Cook Everything” (available in hard cover or Kindle from Amazon).



1 cup of all-purpose flour

pinch of salt

1 1/4 cup of milk

2 eggs

2 tablespoons melted and cooled butter

IMG_20160322_002103I added 2 teaspoons of Madagascar Vanilla Extract from Spice House along with 2 tablespoons of  Spice House’s “Old Town Premium Spiced Sugar” Cinnamon & Sugar mix when blending the batter.  (I suggest adding about a tea spoon of cinnamon to the mix if you do not have this.)

Add components and put them in a blender until batter is smooth and it should be runny.  Take a medium sized pan and put it at medium-hot temperature with some melted butter and pour about about a cup of the batter in.  Make sure the pan is coated along the bottom and move the pan in a circular motion so the remaining batter makes a nice even circle along the bottoms and edges.  Allow the crepe to cook about a minute before flipping and finishing for about 30 seconds.  The easiest way to tell if the crepe is done?  Does it move when you try to flip it?  If so, it’s done!

Once you’ve gone through your batter, take some nutella and carefully a smear in the center of the crepe.  I microwave about 2 cups of nutella for 45 -60 seconds to warm it up and make it easier to spread.  Add strawberries inside and roll them.

Add strawberries to the top for garnish if you like.

If you want, add powdered confectioner’s sugar and/or whip cream and enjoy!


Nutella Crepes finished with Nutella, Strawberries & Whipped Cream


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