The Year of Beer

Rise in the Chicago Beer Scene As Chicago continues to rise in the culinary scene (according to the City of Chicago there are currently over 7,300 restaurants), beverages have met the challenge.  The past 5 years has seen a great surge in craft beers and breweries in Illinois.  According to the Brewer’s Association there are … More The Year of Beer

New Year’s Resolution: What Organization Should I Join?

Make an Attainable Resolution by Ensuring It Fits Your Lifestyle Every year most people make the same resolutions which are often not too different than the year before: be healthier, travel more, go for that new job or promotion, etc.  It’s the time of year when we focus on working on what we each think … More New Year’s Resolution: What Organization Should I Join?

Who’s Who of Event Planners: Julius Solaris

I am excited to be introducing a new aspect of Chicago Planner Magazine, Who’s Who Event Planners.  These features highlight exceptional event planners who are moving to the forefront of what it takes to be impactful in this ever-growing field.  Chicago Planner Magazine is honored to feature Julius Solaris as the first official “Who’s Who” … More Who’s Who of Event Planners: Julius Solaris