Viewing articles tagged with

Event Planner

5 Ways to Make Fundraising Easy

5 Ways to Make Fundraising Easy

Fundraising can be a tough activity.  The goal is to make as much money as possible while spending as little as possible.  Depending on who is doing the fundraiser, resources may be incredibly limited so here are 5 tips to help you in planning a successful fundraising...

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5 Tips for Improving Your Sales

5 Tips for Improving Your Sales

Sales Isn't a Dirty Word. Event Planning is often times as much a sales job as it is a planning and organizational job.  Yes, you have to be creative and think on you feet, but many times you have to sell your clients on the best ideas and processes to ensure the...

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5 Tips to Avoid Coat Check Chaos

5 Tips to Avoid Coat Check Chaos

Let's Help You Deal with all that Baggage Chicago winters are often pretty brutal.  Three or four layers over your normal sweater is normal.  Any less and you've probably never been here before during sub-zero season. Heck, even our doors get winter covers. Therefore,...

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