Healthy Eating: Facts, Tips and Myth Busters from Dietitian Carolyn Gordon
There is no one size fits all when it comes to diets and nutrition. There is a whole range of different body types and metabolisms. Consequently, bodily needs are variable.
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There is no one size fits all when it comes to diets and nutrition. There is a whole range of different body types and metabolisms. Consequently, bodily needs are variable.
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It’s important to take care of yourself, especially if you are a busy event planner! So this weekend Whole Foods will be hosting “Be Healthful”, an all-day wellness retreat and holistic health industry event at Moonlight Studios (1446 W. Kinzie) on Sunday, September...
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Growing up I drank tons of pop (or soda depending on where you're from). I like the sugar and the fizzy feeling. But I've read so much about people losing anywhere from 5-30lbs in a year simply from cutting out sugary, canned soda beverages. Not to mention, all...