You can’t walk by without pitying those sweet, innocent faces. You know you want to take one home and this Saturday, the Anti-Cruelty Society is making that really easy for you to do with their annual Clear The Shelters event. Every year, 7.6 million animals end up in shelters nationwide — and only 2.7 million are adopted, according to the ASPCA. The Anti-Cruelty Society is working to help give more helpless animals homes with the goal of adopting over a thousand pets this Saturday.

George, my kitty
I know what you’re thinking “I can’t right now,” “I don’t have room,” “I’m not sure a new pet will get along with my current pet(s)”. Well I did it last year when I adopted George, an adorable cat who is a wonderful, loving creature that now I can’t imagine being without. He’s happy and snuggly and incredibly friendly. I almost didn’t get him because I was worried that I didn’t have enough space, especially since I already have another kitty I adopted 2 years ago. Then my boyfriend reminded me that even my little city apartment was “still bigger than a cage.” To prove this point, the first thing George did when I brought him home was stretch his legs as far as possible against the cool, tiled floors in my bathroom and camp out like he just won the lottery. With time and patience, both kitties have learned to co-exist very well. Even more surprising, they both find plenty of places to hide, even in my little studio.
- Star
- Junior
I believe that this story can be similar for other adorable creatures like Star, Junior, Bastille, Claudia, Lucy or Cassius. You’d be surprised how easy it is to move a few boxes and make room for a cat tree or dog bed. Many of these little guys just need someone to show them love and compassion. These animals have lost their home and family, perhaps coming from a non-loving situation and only want a second chance.
So plan to visit your local participating shelter this Saturday. You have no excuse not to! To learn more, visit to find out where you can adopt a pet at a participating location near you.