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Comedians You Should Know

Last night I decided to not just go home after work so I went on to Metro Mix and found this really fun comedy show called "Comedians You Should Know."  Located in the back of Timothy O'Toole's Pub they have a variety of legit funny comedians who entertain you over...

Staffing for an Event with NextCrew

One of the most important things you can do for an event is staff it properly.  Most companies have their own staff, but what if you need additional help?  I have an answer for you!  I've recently been in touch with Chirag Mehta, CEO & founder of "Next Crew"....

Marketing Your Event

Marketing is such a huge subject they've created entire fields of study about it.  It can be easy or a real challenge so the best way to start is by breaking it all down.  Marketing, Advertising & Promotions seem to be a by-product of my life, so here is a simple...

Business Etiquette

Organization and good [business] manners sometimes go hand in hand.  It is important to always remember to treat anyone you work with respect and appreciation -- this should not be reserved for clients only.  From co-workers, to vendors to your a/v team, always...

4th of July Weekends

This year the 4th of July just happens to be in the middle of the week.  So do you celebrate before or after?  Explore Chicago has some great links to not only things you can do this summer but things to do both weekends.  So check it out!...