Just about every person has been through the "what are your strengths and weaknesses? What qualities do you have that will make you successful?" We ask ourselves this all the time. I love reading articles on successful people and observing exceptional, professional...
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Being Better at Business: An Interview with TravelPod Creator and TripAdvisor’s VP of SEO, Luc Levesque
by admin | Articles | 0 Comments
I believe that the best event planners are creative business people. You have to come up with great solutions - sometimes at the last minute - manage employees, vendors and client expectations while delivering amazing results. Not everything can always be perfect,...
4 Reasons Why Events Are More Than Just a Party
by admin | Articles | 0 Comments
In the past decade, the field of event planning has grown exponentially. Certifications and organizations have developed in addition to the fact that it is now a legitimate college major. A lot of people tend to think it's an easy, fun job and while it can be, a...
10 Signs You May Be in the Presence of “Net-twerking”
by admin | Articles | 0 Comments
Networking is a powerful tool. It gets your name out there, it gets you business and it gives you the chance to interact with other professionals who aren't clients or colleagues. I've attended a lot of networking events, especially recently, and it is interesting...
5 Travel Marketing Trends for 2014 (by Frederic Gonzalo from Social Media Today)
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This is a great article that I've decided is a must-share regarding travel and marketing. For event planners, not only do we travel but our clients are usually traveling too. Why I love reading articles like these is that it helps us event planners stay in the know...
Improve Your Life In Just 10 Minutes a Day
by admin | Articles | 0 Comments
I recently was talking to a good friend of mine who told me that she was really excited with how her week was going. "Why, what happened?" I asked. "Well, I started taking 10 minutes out of my day during my lunch hour to start doing little things for me... You...
Hot or Not: Trends VS Wants
by admin | Articles | 0 Comments
As Event Planners it's our job to provide clients with phenomenal ideas while executing a flawless event. But at what point do we dive too far into the world of possibilities? This can be more challenging than it sounds at times because we attend conferences,...
5 Steps to Help You Synchronize Communication and Organization To Make You Successful
by admin | Articles | 0 Comments
Everyone knows you need to be organized. Everyone knows you need to communicate. Yet somehow combining the two can be difficult. Why is that? Efficiency is built on streamlining communication, organization and productivity, but all of those things rely on...