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Crazy Successful

Just about every person has been through the "what are your strengths and weaknesses? What qualities do you have that will make you successful?"  We ask ourselves this all the time.  I love reading articles on successful people and observing exceptional, professional...

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4 Reasons Why Events Are More Than Just a Party

In the past decade, the field of event planning has grown exponentially.  Certifications and organizations have developed in addition to the fact that it is now a legitimate college major.  A lot of people tend to think it's an easy, fun job and while it can be, a...

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Improve Your Life In Just 10 Minutes a Day

Improve Your Life In Just 10 Minutes a Day

I recently was talking to a good friend of mine who told me that she was really excited with how her week was going.  "Why, what happened?" I asked.  "Well, I started taking 10 minutes out of my day during my lunch hour to start doing little things for me...  You...

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Hot or Not: Trends VS Wants

Hot or Not: Trends VS Wants

As Event Planners it's our job to provide clients with phenomenal ideas while executing a flawless event.  But at what point do we dive too far into the world of possibilities?  This can be more challenging than it sounds at times because we attend conferences,...

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