Viewing articles tagged with

Event Planning

10 Ways of Giving (Even During a Holiday Party)

10 Ways of Giving (Even During a Holiday Party)

It's important to remember to give back and it doesn't have to be hard.  Here are 10 ideas to incorporate in your events and holiday plans to help give back to those who need it this year. 1.  Donate a portion of sales to an organization that works with your brand,...

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The 3 Rules of Telling a Client “No”

The 3 Rules of Telling a Client “No”

It's the worst having to say no to a client (usually) because we want to make them happy and have them walking away with a glowing review.  However, there are times when you know you just can't accommodate a client's needs, whether it's due to time, complexity,...

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Hot or Not: Trends VS Wants

Hot or Not: Trends VS Wants

As Event Planners it's our job to provide clients with phenomenal ideas while executing a flawless event.  But at what point do we dive too far into the world of possibilities?  This can be more challenging than it sounds at times because we attend conferences,...

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10 Ways To Know You’re a Great Event Planner

10 Ways To Know You’re a Great Event Planner

1. Coming prepared means you showed up with more than a pen and duct tape.  You have a back up outfit in your car. 2. You know your vendors and can get a client anything they ask for. 3. The only thing better than a challenging client is a challenging client with no...

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Fly Your Clients on a Private Jet

Fly Your Clients on a Private Jet

I caught this great article from Thrillist called "Private Jets You Can Sort of Afford".   The list includes JetSuite, Desert Jet, XOJet, Clay Lacy Aviaition and  Black Jet with some of the shorter flights as low as $1000 for planes that seat at least 6.  When you...

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